

The church in Troitsk was built in 1826. The widow of Briskorn - a landlady Olga Briskorn insisted on building it five years after her husband’s death. She filed an application to the church consistory for the construction of the temple in the estate.
The church was built using a lot of soft sediment which was mined not far from the estate on the Curlew quarry. That’s why the temple is now falling on one side creating the impression of a very old building. Only walls still have remained. It is hard to imagine that the temple was still in operation in the 1960s and services were held there.

During the prosperity of the church it was really beautiful. The building had the shape of an oval surrounded by columns of an Ionic order. Inside it was decorated with a dozen of columns, from the south and north there used to be six-column porticoes, from the east and west the columns were half-ton-asps. The unknown architect created a completely unusual structure in appearance more reminiscent of an ancient temple than an orthodox church.

The village of the Fifth Mountain was firstly mentioned on a map of Saint-Petersburg province, drawn up by Y.F. Smith in 1770. In this document it is called «Myuza Pyatigorskaya». In 1834 the map of the province was drawn by F.F. Shubert named the village «The fifth Briskorn Mountain». In 1885 the village had 8 courtyards. According to the census a century and a half later - in 2010 - there were only 20 people living here.

The Fifth Mountain Estate is a cultural heritage object of regional importance.

In 2023 the work on the conservation of the estate was completed to prepare for a subsequent full restoration.
Office: 2nd Baymanskaya Street, 9/23s3
Office: Rublevskoe highway 101

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